From 21 July to 9 August
Sending orders by Russian post and courier service will not be produced!
During this period, replies to emails and technical support may be delayed.
Please do not rush to duplicate your letters, we will answer everyone.

Terms of use of materials

  • Materials that are used during the training (audio, video, pdf) will be available to you in your personal account.
  • Once the files are saved to your computer and activated, the Internet is not required to view them.
  • There are two licenses for protected files – this means you can save them to two devices – for example, a home computer and travel laptop. When you activate one of the seminar files, the second one is bound to your computer automatically.
  • We recommend that you only activate files on devices that you personally own.
  • If you are updating or changing your computer, or if you have any other questions related to opening protected files, please contact technical support at Mingli via Feedback.
New term
Rename with administrator permission! The variable is required for the new term.
Allowed characters are A-Z, numbers, and the underscore character. You can add a new variable in "Language Management".
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